Nanotechnology Based Medical Devices:
Nanotechnology Based Medical Devices market study contains a summary that
addresses Nanotechnology Based Medical Devices market size, revenue, product
scope. The Nanotechnology
Based Medical Devices report covers sales volumes and figures together with
growth opportunities. Further, it lists current Nanotechnology Based Medical
Devices trade leaders and their sales/revenue metrics.
250 Nanomedicine products are being tested or used in humans, according to a
new report that analysed evolving trends in this sector. Throughout the last 10
years, there need been steep growth, advancement about devices that coordinate Nanomaterials
or other nanotechnology. Enhancement of in vivo imaging has been exceptionally
well known region from claiming research, followed by bone substitutes and
coatings for implanted devices. Nanomedicine
exists at the intersection of biology, physics, chemistry and quantum
mechanics, giving Nanomaterials unique properties that can be leveraged into
novel approaches to medical problems that are beyond the means of conventional
medicine. Anticancer
drugs, for example, can be delivered via nanoparticle and hone in on physical
vulnerabilities of cancer cells, allowing toxic chemotherapy drugs to kill
tumor cells while sparing the healthy cells that surround them. Two companies,
CytImmune and BIND Biosciences, have published separate preliminary results for
different Nano-based chemotherapy drugs. Researchers have also developed
nanoparticles that release insulin when glucose levels rise. In laboratory
tests these nanoparticles were able to control blood sugar levels for several
days. Nanotechnology, perhaps, has been most popularly recognized for its
applications in robotics Nano-robotics, although accepting abounding
applications in added areas (such as particle manipulation and, has the most
advantageous and variety of uses in medical fields. As the applications move from
theoretical to clinical, the Nanomedicine market is expected to grow at a
compound annual growth rate of nearly 20 percent a year.
Nanotechnology Based Medical Devices are listed below:
Meets Contact Lenses and Virtual Reality
Nanotech Detector for Heart Attacks
Eye Surgery
Cancer Apps
Breathalyzer for Diabetics
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